Particle Trajectory Analysis

   The microscopic particles that float in the air are of many kinds: resuspended soil particles, smoke from power generation, photochemically formed particles, salt particles formed from ocean spray, and atmospheric clouds of water droplets or ice particles. They vary greatly in their ability to affect not only visibility and climate, but also our health and quality of life. These airborne particles are all examples of aerosols. An aerosol is defined in its simplest form as a collection of solid or liquid particles suspended in a gas. Aerosols are two-phase systems, consisting of the particles and the gas in which they are suspended. They include a wide range of phenomena such as dust, fume, smoke, mist, fog, haze, clouds, and smog. The word aerosol was coined about 1920 as an analog to the term hydrosol, a stable liquid suspension of solid particles. Aerosol are also referred to as suspended particulate matter, aerocolloidal systems, and disperse systems.

Aerosol Technology
Properties, Behavior, and Measurement of Airborne Particles
William C. Hinds


This page dedicated to the project has done for "Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal" course. The course was presented by Professor M.S. Saidi at Mechanical Engineering Department of Sharif University of Technology.

In this project we used part of our knowledge about aerosol dynamics to demonstrate local trajectory of a group of particles released from a specified point. We suppose a one way coupling between particles and fluid. It means we neglect the effect of particle dynamics on the flow pattern. In the presented project the main flow is a Couette flow. The geometry of problem is showed in Fig.1. In this geometry we can change the speed of the upper surface and also the particles release position(by specifying the portion of height from the lower surface.)

Problem Geometry

Fig.1:  Probem Geometry

We also used this pdf slides for simulating Brownian motion of particles, thanks to Professor Ahmadi for sharing this document.

You can also see a screen shot of program in Fig.2. And also download the program from here: Download
This program is written with Delphi® and needs write access to the root directory where it's running from. It also has two output files that can be plotted with Tecplot®.

Program Screenshot

Fig. 2: Programs screen shot after run


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